NOV. 19, 2005, BIG LAKE, TX.


  1. Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Susan Carpenter, following the annual meeting.
  2. Susan welcomed the new Directors to the board, Rita Crane and E.B. Raley.  There was a tie between Stephanie Goracke and Gary Payne.  Francis stated she would be sending a run off ballot with in a few days.
  3. Susan opened the floor for nominations for Vice President.  Richard Belvin had resigned as President in early September and Vice President Susan Carpenter assumed the Presidential chair.  Emil Luedecke motioned to elect a new President, seconded by Kay Stephens.  Voice vote - Motion failed

Rita Crane – Yes                 Rick Strohl – No

Kay Stephens – Yes          Eleno Montemayor – No

Emil Luedecke – Yes          Ron Burkey – No
                                                      E.B. Raley – No               

  1. Susan Carpenter will serve as President for the remaining term of Richard Belvin, Dec. of 2006.
  2. Rick Strohl nominated Ron Burkey for a one year term, seconded by E.B. Raley.  Emil Luedecke moved for nominations to cease, seconded by Rita Crane.  Motion passed.  Ron agreed to serve a one year term.

6.        Rick Strohl brought up the subject of shock collars at trial sites. 

  1. E.B. moved to expand the rule “training equipment on course” to include shock collars. Seconded by Ron Burkey.  Wording of the rules will be discussed at the next B/D meeting.
  2. E.B. moved to send information to the membership that shock collars are prohibited on trial sites, seconded by Ron Burkey.  Motion passed.
  3. It was brought to the attention of the Directors questionable concerns about the End Gate Trial of Oct. 15, 16th.  Kay Stephens moved to start discussing this issue on the TSDA/TCDA forum, seconded by Rick Strohl.  Motion passed.
  4. No other business the meeting was adjourned.


Francis Raley, Nov. 19, 2005