TSDA/TCDA Conference Call

Aug. 4, 2005


Directors on Call:  Ron Burkey, Susan Carpenter, Emil Luedecke, Rick Strohl, Kay Stephens, Eleno Montemayor.

Directors not on call:  Richard Belvin, Chris Thomson, Carl Larsen


  1. Vice President Susan Carpenter chaired the conference call.

  2. Francis gave a treasurer’s report.  Sheep checking account  $810.71  savings  $7,539.65    Cattle checking account  $301.98   savings $2,054.49 

  3. As chairperson Ron Burkey gave a run down of recommendations for the sheep State Finals.  All Directors received an email or hard copy of recommendations from the Sheep and Cattle Committee. Discussion followed about buckles and trophies. 

  4. Ron said he was in the process of finding a announcer.  He is hoping that someone would volunteer to announce.

  5. Ron Burkey moved to add $2,000.00 as premium money for the sheep finals, seconded by Emil Luedecke.  Passed unanimously

  6. Rick Strohl moved to pay $1,250.00 added premium to the cattle finals with right to adjust, seconded by Emil.  Passed unanimously

  7. Ron motioned the first Open class 1st go round is outrun, lift, fetch, drive, shed and pen.  Second go-round to shed 2 un-collared sheep, rejoin all five sheep, pen then single one collared sheep.  Finals, double lift (5 sheep in each outrun) – split the ten sheep and then pen the five sheep the dogs takes control of.

  8. All Open Ranch, Ranch and Novice handlers needs to be at site by 9 am Friday the 18th.

  9. Emil motioned to amend the cattle premium money motion to $1,000, due to consideration for judges fees, seconded by Ron Burkey.  Passed unanimously

  10. Emil motioned to pay the sheep judges $250 per day for their services, motel, travel and food, seconded by Ron Burkey.  Motion passed.  Jerry Lynch will receive $600 to judge and announce the Cattle Finals and will pay her expenses.

  11. Francis announced that Brady will be having their Goat Cookoff Sept. 3. 

  12. Ron Burkey motioned to buy all replacement sheep & cattle trophies for $25.00 each, Rick Strohl.  Passed unanimously

  13. Cattle will need 6 trophies – 3 D/Y trophies, 3 Champion trophies.  Sheep will need 15 trophies.

  14. Eleno is in charge of furnishing Brady with the number of panels needed for their trial.

  15. Emil motioned to adjourn, seconded by Rick Strohl.


Francis Raley, Aug. 4, 2005