Board of Directors Meeting Holiday Express Inn , Lampasses, Tx. When: Aug 19, 2006
Directors present: Eleno Montemayor, Rita Crane, E.B. Raley, Ron Burkey, Kay Stephens, Susan Carpenter, Rich Strohl, Emil Luedecke. Director not present: Gary Payne, proxy given to Emil Luedecke Officers present: Susan Carpenter, Ron Burkey, Francis Raley
1 President Susan Carpenter called meeting to order at 10:10 am, Aug. 19, 2006. 2 A packet of information, treasurer’s reports, minutes, etc was passed out to Board members. 3 Kay Stephens brought attention to an error in wording motion of Jan. 2nd, # 18 minutes. Ron Burkey motioned to correct minutes, “Dog can receive points from a minimum of 2 goes at any given trial should read, to Dog can receive points from a maximum of 2 goes at any given trial, seconded by Emil Luedecke. Passed unanimously. 4 E.B. Raley motioned to accept minutes of Jan. 2nd and July 12th as amended, seconded by Rick Strohl. Passed unanimously. 5 Directors decided that it is in the best interest of the Association to renew the service contract on TSDA copier. Emil Luedecke motioned to renew copier contract of $681.00 annually, seconded by Rita Crane. Passed unanimously. 6 Francis answered questions about the TSDA/TCDA treasurer’s reports. TSDA balance checking and savings account as of July 30, $7,801.37. TCDA balance as of July 30, checking & savings account $3,145.04. Ron motioned to approve treasurer’s report, seconded by E.B. Passed unanimously. 7 Susan asked for reports from Finals Trial Committees. Rita brought t-shirts and sweat shirts for the Directors to see and approve. Rita and Francis will be setting up a link on the web site for orders of shirts and caps soon. Rita will have shirts on display at the Aggie trial, Aug. 26th and will be handling shipping of all orders. The money earned from sales will be used for Annual Meetings and Banquets. Rita also brought samples of D/Y and Triple Crown awards for the Finals that Thomas Crane will be making for the Finals. Both were very attractive pieces. 8 Rita asked for approval from the Board to have a “give the dog a bone” award that could be given to a dog that might be retired but not forgotten or has just had an outstanding year. The Board gave her permission for this project. Further information, will, also be put on the web site and through emails. 9 The budget for the TSDA/TCDA Finals was discussed. The cost of judge’s expense will be more than in the past because of airfares. E.B. motioned for a $7,000 budget for 2006 Sheep Finals, seconded by Emil. Passed unanimously. Emil motioned to increase premium money for the Cattle Finals to $1,500, seconded by Rick Strohl. Passed unanimously. 10 Emil motioned for the 2006 Cattle trial budget to be $2,500, seconded by Rick. Passed unanimously. 11 Ron Burkey requested to go into executive session concerning Carpenter/Miles complaint at 11:30 am. Executive session was concluded at 11:40 am. E.B. motioned to write a letter to both parties involved in the complaint stating it was a regrettable incident at the Wildflower SDT involving both Miles and Carpenter. The things
occurring were
not in keeping with the spirit of good sportsmanship and rules/guidelines
of TSDA. Motion failed. Eleno Montemayor, yes 12 Emil motioned to amend E.B.’s motion to read, The things occurring (at Wildflower SDT) were not in keeping with the spirit of good sportsman, rules /guidelines of TSDA. Disregard for Association rules, disrespect of trial host, course directors, and or/judges will not be tolerated in the future, please keep these rules in mind and act accordingly, seconded by E.B. Raley. Passed unanimously. 13 It was brought before the Board if there should be a stock contract by the Association for sheep and cattle trials suppliers. After a discussion it was the consensus of the Board that contracts should be between the trial host and sheep/cattle providers. 14 A request was made to the Board that the opening of chutes at Stock Shows Trials should be made wider. It was the consensus of the Board that the Trial Committee (E.B. & Francis Raley) of Stock Shows has the authority to adjust courses on “as needed” basis, Ft. Worth, Austin, San Antonio and Houston. TSDA will receive bids for all sheep Stock Shows beginning Sept. 1 thru Nov. 15. Bids should be for all four Stock Shows. The trial Committee will determine the winner of the bids for lowest or best bid. The Board recommends and encourages handlers to adhere to TSDA dress code guidelines. 15 Kay suggested studying the possibility of having a TSDA/TCDA open forum on the web for the membership to share their concerns and voice their suggestions. Kay motioned to study the possibility of a forum, seconded by Rita. Passed unanimously. Kay will check to see if a forum is feasible. 16 Emil Luedecke under the direction of the Board is composing a letter in response to Miles Allen’s letter questioning the conduct of the Wildflower Sheep Dog trial. 17 The Board was asked to clarify a rule; if a Nursery dog competes only in five Nursery trials is that dog also eligible to compete in the Open or Open Ranch classes at the Finals? A voice vote was taken. Ron, no Kay, yes Eleno, no Rick, no E.B., no Rita, no Emil, no Gary, no (proxy). 18 Further discussion of Nursery qualifications was tabled till the next B/D meeting. 19 Emil motioned to adjourn at 3:30 pm, seconded by Eleno.
Francis Raley, Aug. 19, 2006 |