TSDA/TCDA Board of Directors Meeting

Jan. 2, 2006, Holiday Express Inn

Lampasses, Tx


Directors present:  Susan Carpenter, Eleno Montemayor, Rita Crane, Rick Strohl, E.B. Raley, Gary Payne, Ron Burkey, Emil Luedecke, Kay Stephens

Officers present:  Susan Carpenter, Ron Burkey, Francis Raley


  1. President Susan Carpenter called meeting to order at 10:00 am.
  2. Susan welcomed new Director Gary Payne to the meeting.
  3. E.B. motioned to accept the previous minutes as read (dated 12/18/04, 11/19/05 & 8/4/05), seconded by Gary Payne.  Passed unanimously
  4. Francis went over the treasurer’s report with the Directors and answered all questions.  Ron Burkey motioned to approval the Dec. 2005 Treasurer report, seconded by Rick Strohl.  Passed unanimously.  Balance in TSDA checking account $920.19, TSDA saving account  $3,072.99.    TCDA Checking account  $90.91   Saving account  $1,055.33.  Francis pointed out that additional income would be needed for the 2007 finals.  She stated that the association has been fortunate the past four years with Big Lake, Tx. hosting our Sheep/Cattle Finals. 
  5. The Directors reviewed the 2005 Sheep/Cattle Finals that was held in Big Lake.  Each Director gave their opinion of the finals.
  6. Emil Luedecke motioned to discontinue the John Bellamy Nursery Trophy, seconded by Eleno Montemayor.  Passed unanimously
  7. A complain had been filed with TSDA regarding the running of the Oct. 15, 2005 End Gate Trial.  Emil Luedecke, Kay Stephens and Ron Burkey served on the complaint committee.  Emil gave the committee report stating,  “we found no evidence of “stacking” of entries by any handler.  There were, however, violations of TSDA rules & Guidelines, by the trial management that should be addressed at future trials.”  Gary Payne motioned to accept the committees recommendations of not reversing any awards but to see that TSDA rules & guidelines be followed in future trials, seconded by Eleno Montemayor.  Roll call.  Motion passed.

Emil Luedecke – yes                E.B. Raley – abstained

Ron Burkey – yes                              Gary Payne - yes

Rick Strohl – yes                Kay Stephens – yes

Eleno Montemayor – yes               Rita Crane – yes

  1. Susan will send a letter to the persons who filed the complaints explaining the findings of the committee.  Complaints on file in TSDA office.
  2. Francis asked that the Sheep/Cattle Association to sponsor the “hospitality room” at the National Cattledog Finals in the amount of $500.00.  This amount would be evenly divided between TCDA and TSDA.  E.B. motioned to allocate up to $500 for the hospitality room at the USBCHA Cattledog Finals in Big Lake, Texas in March of 2006, seconded by Rick Strohl.  Passed unanimously
  3. Francis presented a proposal from Jimmy Walker to change the running pattern at Ft. Worth Stockshow.  After a discussion E.B. motioned to leave the pattern the same as in the past, seconded by Kay Stephens.  Passed unanimously
  4. The Cattledog Committee presented a print out of Rule/Guidelines for approval by the Directors.  Emil motioned to accept the recommendations of the Cattledog Committee, seconded by Rick Strohl.  Passed unanimously. 

                                                               TCDA Cattledog Rules
1. The course will be set up when the trial committee arrives at the trial site and has had time to observe the demeanor of the stock, the physical attributes of the arena, the location of the bleachers and so forth. 
2. Handlers will have the full amount of allotted time to complete as much of the course as they can. There will be no time limit for getting stock access the handlers line.
3. If a handler starts to run and doesn't stop or make a definite pause after the second step it will be considered a run and the handler will be penalized ten (10) points for each such infraction of the rules.  Hopping will not be considered running.
4. In all classes, the fetch must be completed with the handlers remaining behind the handler line unless the handlers choose to cross the handler line in order to help their dog, in doing so they will forfeit their points for the first obstacle. All obstacles including the first one must be completed before moving on.
5. The tie breaking time for dogs not finishing the course in the allotted time will be when the last head of stock clears the first standing obstacle.
6. In some instances the course may be such that the handlers must stay behind the handler line for more than completing the first obstacle. This will be up to the trial committee when designing the course.
7. Contestants must not go into or through an obstacle they are working. The judge should make an effort to determine if the infraction was intentional or not.
If intentional the penalty will be 10 points. Contestants may not reach through and or touch, with hands or staff, any panel, fence, gate or opening. If handlers touch the stock with hand or staff the penalty will be 10 points.
8. If some of the stock goes through an obstacle and some do not, the handler may collect those not having gone through before they mix with the others and they can be put through for full points, but if the two groups mix they all must be put through again.
9. If time has not expired and the last obstacle is being attempted and one or more head won't get near the entrance and one or two do go in, the handler can signal the judge that he is satisfied with less than all and will get credit for the number in, or through the obstacle, but he will also be charged with the full allotted time to finish the course.
10. If time has expired before the handlers have completed the course they will be given credit for the stock that have completed the obstacle whether it is three or less.
11. If the judge awards a rerun during a run, the clock will be stopped. The rerun will commence from the same point where the original run was stopped and all points and deductions will stand and time resumed at the place in the run where the rerun was awarded.

  1. A lengthy discussion follow about using electronic collars at trial sites.  In the Rules C. Dogs will read:

1.      Any dog may compete regardless of breed, age, or color.  A dog is not required to be registered or purebred.

2.      There are restrictions as to the equipment a dog is allowed to wear on the trial premise and during competition.  Non

 adherence to these restrictions may result in disqualification, as well as loss of fees, prizes and premium monies.              

A.      A dog may be equipped with any standard collar.

B.      Restricted devices include, but are not limited to:

                                                                   i.          Any remote controlled device on premise. 

                                                                  ii.          Dummy or weighted collars.

                                                                iii.          A leash or rope not detached before the dog is cast.

                                                                 iv.          Device used to distract or cause pain to a dog.

13    There was a discussion on judges being able to call off dogs that may be over heated or hurt on a trial course.  Emil motioned to expand IV. General Rules & Guideline A. Judges, number 6 to read, The judge has the authority to retire any entry that may be abusing the livestock and/or dog. Motion was seconded by E.B. Raley.   Passed unanimously

14    Statement of Responsibility was mailed to all members in the latest newsletter requiring their signature for the 2006 trial season.  It is mandatory that all handlers sign the Statement of Responsibility prior to running in any trial.  A updated statement will be mailed to all members and can be found on the entry form on the web site.

15    E.B. will be looking into the possibility of having a Timed Trial Finals for handlers who participated in the Ft. Worth, San Antonio and Star of Texas Timed trials.

16    Gary Payne motioned to set a limit of $100 for sheep loss/damage (per head) unless otherwise stated on web or newsletter, seconded by Rita Crane.  Motion passed, one no vote E.B. Raley.

17    Emil Luedecke motioned to include TSDA/TCDA State Finals in the Dog of the Year Award, second by Gary Payne.  Passed unanimously

18    Emil Luedecke motion that Dog of the Year points available at all eligible trials.  Dog can receive points from a maximum of 2 goes at any given trial.   Roll call vote.  Motion passed

Eleno Montemayor – yes          Gary Payne - yes

Rita Crane – yes                          Kay Stephens - yes

Rick Strohl – yes                        Emil Luedecke - yes

E.B. Raley – no                           Ron Burkey - yes

19    Gary Payne motioned to require TCDA a minimum of three qualifying trials per dog to be eligible for the State Finals, seconded by E.B. Raley. Passed unanimously

20    Rick Strohl motioned to raise cattle sanctioning fees to $5.00, seconded by Emil Luedecke.  Passed unanimously

21    Emil motion to adjourn at 5:00 pm.


Francis Raley,  1-2-06