Conference Call
July 19,
Directors present: Susan
Carpenter, E.B. Raley, Ron Burkey, Rita Crane, Email Luedecke,
Strohl, Gary Payne
Directors not on call:
Eleno Montemayer, Kay Stephens, proxy to Emil Luedecke.
Officers on call: Susan
Carpenter, Ron Burkey, Francis Raley
- Meeting was called to order at 8:11 pm by
President Susan Carpenter.
- The agenda for the call was to finalize
information for TSCA/TCDA State Finals.
- Committees for the Sheep and Cattle Finals was
appointed by Susan. They are as follows.
Strohl, Cattle Chairperson, 940-872-5653
Payne, Cattle arena backup, 940-682-4955,
Burkey, Sheep Chairperson,
Montemayor, Manage Novice field, 210-922-2488,
Luedecke, Coordinate, 325-739-5631,
Crane, Awards Banquet, 903-356-5287,
Raley, Replacement trophies/awards, 254-744-8217
Stephens, Conflict resolution (both fields) 936-825-2610,
Raley, Manage secretarial work (all fields*) 254-486-2500, f.raley@att.net
Susan Carpenter, Prepare run
orders and score sheets (all classes, all fields*), 830-683-5175,
- Susan asked each committee chairperson if they had
anything to report at this time. Some committees will have to wait till
closer to Finals time in order to function.
- Rick did not have a report at this time. He will
be working with Gary Payne closer to trial time.
- Emil had spoken with Randy Herring and he will be
setting out on the sheep open field. He will contact Scott Parker soon
to verify that he can also set out sheep.
- Rita reported she might be able to get a TSDA/TCDA
3 x 4 banner for around $40.00, that can be used at trials, State Finals
and annual meeting. Rick was in favor of a new banner and suggested
including email and web site addresses. E.B. asked that TSDA/TCDA logo
be on the banner and also have one person to be in charge of caring of
it. Rita volunteered to be custodian of banner.
- E.B. moved to purchase a 3 x 4 banner with TSDA/TCDA
logo, web site address, seconded by Rita Crane. Passed unanimously
- Rita had several suggestions for the annual
banquet, a new banner, raffle sales, guest book for members to update
(address, telephone numbers, email addresses), any sponsors to be linked
to TSDA/TCDA web site, program for banquet, sale of t-shirts,
sweatshirts, hooded jackets and visors. A new banner would also serve
as back drop for award winners at the banquet. She will check with
Danny Monzingo at Big Lake to make sure we would not be intruding on
anything they have planned for raffle sales. Rita will have an article
in the next newsletter asking for donations for the raffle. How the
awards will be presented will be discussed at the next B/D meeting.
- Rita stated she would have a sample t-shirts,
sweatshirts and hooded jacket made at her expense and posted on the web
site. The profits of sales is to be used for future annual banquets.
Orders would be emailed or phoned to her and any orders coming into the
office would be forwarded to Rita. Pictures, prices and order forms
will be posted on web site as soon as possible.
- Donna Grahmann had presented a new logo design for
TSCA/TCDA (a Texas flag with a Border Collie in the white strip).
Francis said we had some caps on hand at this time and that we do not
sell many through the year. Gary suggested we poll the membership to
see if they would like a new design. Rick motioned to table Donna’s
design of a new cap until the next Board meeting, died for failure to
get a second.
- E.B. reported that Thomas Crane had submitted a
bid of $25.00 each for ten (10) awards for TSDA Dog of the Year and
Triple Crown 2005 replacement trophies and three (3) 1st
place trophies for the cattle Finals. Ron moved to accept Thomas’s bid,
seconded by E.B.. Rita will bring samples to the next meeting for
approval of design. Passed unanimously
- Francis reported that Barb will be helping with
the secretarial work on the sheep field and LaNelda Strohl will be in
charge of cattle trial secretarial work. After entry deadline, entries
will be sent to Susan for the draw and entry forms.. Kay is the
coordinator of handlers between the fields, The run order will be
furnished to her for adjustments.
- Ron reported that he has received a quote for the
eight (8) belt buckles (1st place in Sheep and Cattle
classes) which is between $75 and $80 each. Rick felt that the cattle
fund has enough money to pay for the 2006 buckles .
- E. B moved for Ron to purchase the 8 belt buckles,
seconded by Rick Strohl. Passed unanimously
- Susan asked for discussion about hiring a cattle
judge. Emil said he had spoken with several handlers and three persons
had volunteered to judge the Open, Pro Novice and Ranch at no charge.
Rick felt the cattle fund shows they can afford a hired judge. After a
discussion E.B. motioned to hire a 2006 cattle judge, seconded by
Rick.. Motion passed.
Raley -
yes Burkey – yes Kay – no (proxy)
Crane -
yes Rick -yes Luedecke- no Gary – no
- E.B. motioned for Jerry Lynch to judge the 2006
Cattle Finals, seconded Rick Strohl Passed unanimously
- Dean Holcomb of Clemmons, NC and Mike Nearly of
Brookston, In. were nominated to judge sheep Finals. Susan reported
that she had check several weeks prior to meeting and airfare for two
would be under $1,000.00. A rental car from Midland to Big Lake would
cost around $140.00. They will arrive Thursday Sept. 16th
and depart in the evening of the 19th.
- E.B. motioned to elect Dean Holcomb, Mike Neary as
judges for the 2006 Sheep Finals seconded Ron Burkey. Passed
- Because of the increase of travel for out of state
judges E.B. motioned for a $3,000 budget for sheep judges, seconded by
Rick Passed unanimously
- E.B motioned by acclamation a $600 budget for 2006
cattle judge and she to pays her own travel and motel expenses. Passed
- Rick motioned for entry deadline for both sheep
and cattle to be Oct. 15th and cancellation by Nov, 7th. cancellations
after deadline will not receive a refund, seconded by E.B. Passed unanimously
- E.B. Raley motioned for entry fees (both sheep and
cattle) to remain the same as 2005, seconded by Ron. Passed unanimously
- There was discussion on changing the Cattle Finals
to Saturday and Sunday instead of Friday and Saturday.. The Directors
are trying to set a date for the annual membership banquet that will
better serve the handlers. Rick will speak with Danny Monzingo
to see if change of date would be a problem for Big Lake.
- Emil motioned to move cattle trial to Saturday,
Nov. 18 and Sunday, Nov. 19 if change of date is approved by Big Lake,
seconded by Gary Payne. Passed unanimously
- Added premium monies will be discussed at the next
Board meeting which is Aug. 19, 2006.
- Francis will check with Danny Monzingo to see who
the host motel will be for 2006.
- Emil motioned to adjourn, seconded by Rita.
Francis Raley, July 19, 2006