B/D Meeting, Dec. 30, 2006

Ranch House Bank, Waco, Tx.


Directors present:  Kay Stephens, Rita Crane, Eleno Montemayor, E.B. Raley, Red Oliver, Chris Thomson, Emil Luedecke

Directors not present:  Gary Payne, Herbert Holmes

Officers present:  Kay Stephens, Red Oliver, Francis Raley

Proxies:  Herbert gave proxy to Kay Stephens, Gary gave proxy to Rita Crane


  1. President Kay Stephens called the meeting to order at 9:27 am, Dec. 30, 2006 at the Ranch House Bank, Waco, Tx.
  2. E.B. Raley moved to accept the Nov. 18, 2006 and August 19, 2006 Board of Directors minutes, seconded by Chris Thomson.  Passed unanimously
  3. Francis went over the treasurer’s reports for TSCA and TSDA.  Rita Crane moved to accept the treasurer’s reports, seconded by Emil Luedecke.  Balance in TSDA check account, as of 11/30/06  $2,448.62 – Saving account  $1,745.69.  Balance in TCDA checking account  11/30/06  $803.21 – Savings Account  $1,058.36.  Passed unanimously
  4. Rita Crane furnished a financial report on the T-Shirts Fund Raiser and auction held at the State Finals banquet.  Balance in the account is $111.50.
  5. There was a lengthy discussion on the 2006 TSDA/TCDA State Finals.  Each Director had an opportunity to critique the finals. 
  6. Nursery Qualifications:  The first discussion was Nursery qualifications which was tabled at the last Directors meeting.  E.B. moved to qualify for the TSDA finals trial, a dog must compete in 5 TSDA trials of the year of the Finals.  A Nursery dog must compete in 5 TSDA Nursery classes and 5 Open Ranch or Open classes in order to run in both classes at the finals, seconded by Red Oliver.  Passed unanimously
  7. Cattle Dog Directors Proposal from Jimmy Walker:  “Dear Directors, I want to give you advance notice about an item that will come before you at your upcoming meeting on Dec. 30th in Brady, Tx.  The item specifically would require a By-Law change and would therefore have to go before the general membership for their approval.  The change if approved by the membership would be to establish a separate Board of Directors for the Texas Cattledog Association.  This Board would be responsible for all cattledog rules and all items concerning the State Cattledog Finals.  I will lay out the details of installing directors when I meet with you on the 30th.  This board would not elect a slate of officers but would be governed by the officers elected by the TSDA Board.  This notice is so you can be thinking about whether or not you would approve allowing this to go to the membership for a vote. Sincerely, jimmywalker”.  Jimmy Walker was unable to meet with the Directors to explain his By-Law Proposal of electing Cattledog Directors,  After a discussion E.B. moved to offer TCDA the freedom to select a committee of their choosing to formulate trial rules and Finals rules through 2007 at which time the board will review the program, seconded by Red Oliver.  Passed unanimously.
  8. 2007 State Finals Bid:  TSDA/TCDA received a bid for 2007 State Finals from Big Lake, Texas Chamber of Commerce.  Emil moved to table accepting the bid until after livestock availability has been evaluated, seconded by Rita Crane.  President tabled the discussion of the bid till a later time.
  9. TSDA/TCDA Forum:  TSDA/TCDA has a web site Director’s forum where TSDA/TCDA concerns are discussed.  After consulting with Alyson Brown, an attorney, Red Oliver moved to permit the TSDA/TCDA board(s) or members of any committee designated by such board to participate in and hold a meeting of such board or committee by means of a private Internet web forum that provides access to the meeting in a manner by which each member participating in the meeting can communicate concurrently with each other participant.  Participation in a meeting under this procedure shall constitute presence in person at such meeting, except where a person participates in the meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business on the ground that the meeting is not lawfully called or convened, seconded by Rita Crane.  Passed unanimously
  10. Red Oliver moved to insert the above forum motion into the overview of the TSDA.TCDA rules, seconded by Emil Luedecke.  Passed unanimously
  11. Kay brought back for discussion the Big Lake 2007 Finals bid that had been tabled.  Emil had motioned to table accepting the Big Lake bid until after livestock availibility has been evaluated, seconded by Rita Crane.  Passed unanimously.  Emil will seek livestock for the 2007 Finals and report to the Directors on the Texas Director’s Forum.
  12. Dog of the Year, Arena Trials:  Kay Stephens had in hand four letters from handlers requesting arena timed trials be given D/Y points.  Dog of the Year and Arena trials were discussed at length.  Red moved, the first line of IIH be deleted and replaced with - both fully judged Open field trials and fully judged Arena trials will award DOY points, Lifetime points and Qualify dogs for the TSDA Finals.  Timed trials, whether Open field or Arena, will qualify dogs for the TSDA finals, award Lifetime points, but will not award DOY points, seconded by Emil Luedecke.  Voice vote taken.  Motion passed.

Rita Crane – No                       Eleno Montemayor – No          E.B. Raley – Yes         

Gary Payne – Yes, proxy          Chris Thomson – No                Emil Luedecke – Yes               

Red Oliver – Yes                      Herbert Holmes – Yes, proxy

Red Oliver moved, Rule II-H shall read – there shall be no restriction on the number of trials that a dog may run in to earn DOY points.  Dog can receive points from a maximum of (3) “goes”  at any given trial.  Passed unanimously.

Red Oliver moved in all arena trials a trial host may limit the number of entries in each class – if the trial host does limit entries it must be listed in newsletter and web site, seconded by E.B. Raley.  Passed unanimously.

  1. Concern has been brought to the TSDA board the eligibility of competitors in higher classes running in TSDA Novice Class.  The Directors will research this matter.
  2. Membership Due Date:  Chris Thomson moved that memberships run from January 1 through December 31 of each year,  seconded by Emil Luedecke.  Motion Passed

Rita Crane – No                                   Herbert Holmes – Yes, proxy              

Red Oliver – Abstained                        Chris Thomson – Yes                          

Emil Luedecke – Yes                            Gary Payne – Yes, proxy                     

Elemo Montemayor – Yes                    E.B. Raley – Yes

  1. Computer:  Francis reported that her computer crushed the first of December and had to be sent back to the company for repair.  Francis felt she could not be without a computer for several week’s so she purchased a new one herself.  She asked TSDA to pay for half of the price of the computer and service contract.  Emil moved to pay for half of the cost of the computer and service contract, seconded by Eleno Montemayor.  Passed unanimously.  Francis will notify the Directors as to the cost on the Directors forum.
  2. Judging Program:  E.B. presented a judging program to the Directors.  All Directors were in favor of a judging program but not naming handlers who attend the clinics.  Red Oliver moved to accept E.B.’s proposal, second by Eleno.  Voice vote taken..Tie Vote.  Motion failed.

Rita Crane – No           E.B. Raley – Yes                      Gary Payne – No, proxy          

Chris Thomson – Yes               Emil Luedecke – No          Red Oliver - Yes

Eleno Montemayor – Yes         Herbert Holmes – No, proxy   

To break the Tie Kay Stephens voted No.

Emil Luedecke moved to accept the judging program but leaving out naming the attendees and using asterisk to identify those attended, seconded by Red Oliver.  Voice vote taken. Motion Passed            

Rita Crane – Yes                      Chris Thomson – yes                Eleno Montemayor – No

Emil Luedecke – Yes                Red Oliver – Yes                      E.B. Raley – Abstained

Gary Payne – Yes, proxy          Herbert Holmes – Yes

17. Committees:   Kay named several committees, each chairperson is to select persons to serve on their committees.  The committees will function under the regulations set out in Article V of the TSCDA by laws.  The committees will report to the Board formally at least once a year and more often if requested by the President, the Board, or the Committee Chairperson.

                  Rules Committee – Red Oliver              Membership Committee – Kay Stephen

Trials – Emil Luedecke                         Public Relations – Rita Crane   

Judging Committee – E.B. Raley                       By-Law Committee – Herbert Holmes

  1. The Directors honored Francis Raley and Barb Ross with honorary lifetime memberships for appreciation of their work in the Association.
  2. In memoriam, “Members of Texas Sheep Dog Association mourns the loss of Trey Watt and extends it condolences to family and friends.  Trey was former assistant manager at Ft. Worth Stock Show who allowed us to produce the annual trials.  He was the son of Bob Watt, President & Gen Manger  Ft. Worth Stock Show.
  3. Chris moved to adjourn , seconded by Rita Crane at 2:40, pm. 


Francis Raley,  Dec. 30, 2006