Dec. 23, 2008

Kay Stephens motioned. “the board and/or the list moderator may limit any discussion on the Texas Sheep Dog List if either decides that the topic has become repetitive or is detrimental to the association's goals of providing information, education and cordial relations.  Once a warning has been given to stop a discussion, a member which continues to post on that topic may be suspended from the list”, seconded by Emil Luedecke.  Motion passed.

Emil Luedecke, yes         Dal Lamphere, yes         E.B. Raley, yes          Jo Anne Noble, yes         Gary Payne, yes
Chris Thomson, yes        Gary Payne, yes            Red Oliver, yes 


Francis Raley, Dec. 23, 2008



Nov 20, 2008  

 Board of Directors Meeting, Ozona.Tx. 

Directors present:  Red Oliver, E.B. Raley, Herbert Holmes, Dal Lamphere, Jo Anne Noble, Gary Payne, Emil Luedecke, Kay Stephens.

Directors not present:  Chris Thomson

President Kay Stephens called the meeting to order, which was held after the 2008 annual Meeting.

·         The Directors were given a copy of forum minutes and current treasurer’s report.  Sheep treasurer’s report states checking account and savings account $14,224.31.  Cattle account shows a bal of $3,259.72.

·         E.B. Raley moved to accept the minutes as printed, seconded by Jo Anne Noble.  Motion passed.

·         Jo Anne Noble motioned to accept proposal number #2 which was presented to the membership present at the annual meeting.  The proposal reads, “That a dog which begins a trial year with no more than 50% of their lifetime points be allowed to run for DOY for an entire trial year in the class they begin the trial year in. Any dog which has earned more than 50% of their lifetime points must move up at the point in the trial year they reach the lifetime points for compulsory advancement allowed for that class, seconded by Emil Luedecke.  Motion passed

o    E,B, Raley, yes                     Dal Lamphere, yes              Jo Anne Noble, yes              Herbert Holmes, yes

o    Red Oliver, yes                    Emil Luedecke, yes             Gary Payne, no

·         Dal Lamphere asked the Directors their thought on the number of novice dogs to be allowed to run at the Ft. Worth Stockshow.  Herbert motioned to not allow Novice dogs to run at Ft. Worth, seconded by Gary Payne.  Motion passed.

                Herbert Holmes, yes    Red Oliver, yes             E.B. Raley, yes             Gary Payne, yes
                                Dal Lamphere, No        Emil Luedecke, no       Jo Anne Noble, no       

·         Because Novice entries had already been accepted for 2009 Ft. Worth trial the Directors agreed that for 2009 trial to limit the Novice class to 10 entries. 

Herbert Holmes, yes    E.B. Raley, yes             Dal Lamphere, yes       Jo Anne Noble, no      Red Oliver, yes 
Emil Luedecke, yes      Gary Payne, yes

·         Kay announced that George Wallace resigned as Cattledog Chairman for the next trial season.  Kay will appoint a chairman soon.

·         Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm


  Francis Raley,  11/20/08



Nov. 14, 2008

Dal Lamphere motioned “that a dog which begins a trial year with no more than 50% of their lifetime points be allowed to run for DOY for an entire trial year in the class they begin the trial year in. Any dog which has earned more than 50% of their lifetime points must move up at the point in the trial year they reach the lifetime points for compulsory advancement allowed for that class”, seconded byKay Stephens.  Motion failed.
Emil Luedecke, no          Rita Cannon, yes          E.B. Raley, no          Gary Payne, no          Dal Lamphere, yes
Chris Thomson, no        Herbert Holmes, no

Francis Raley,


Nov. 13, 2008


Dal Lamphere motioned that a dog be allowed to run for DOY for an entire trial year in the class they begin the trial year in. Each dog will begin the trial year with 0 DOY points, but will maintain and add to their earned lifetime points from one trial year to the next. They must move to the next class at the end of the trial year in which they reach the lifetime points for compulsory advancement allowed for that class, seconded by Kay Stephens.  Motion failed.

Dal Lamphere, no          E.B. Raley, no          Rita Cannon, yes          Gary Payne, no          Red Oliver, yes
ChrisThomson, no        Emil Luedecke, no

Francis Raley


Aug. 19, 2008


 E.B. Raley motioned to set the 2008 TSDA State Final’s budget at $9,000.00, seconded by Kay Stephens.  Motion passed

            Emil Luedecke, yes                  Dal Lamphere, yes                   Gary Payne, yes          
            E.B. Raley, yes                         Kay Stephens, yes


Francis Raley, 8/28/08




Red Oliver motioned to raise the maximum entry of the three arena trials (Ft. Worth, Star of Texas, San Antonio) mentioned from two dogs to three dogs per handler, per class, seconded by Herbert Holmes.  Motion failed

            Emil Luedecke, no       Red Oliver, yes

            Dal Lamphere, no

            E.B. Raley, no

            Chris Thomson, no

            Gary Payne, no


Francis Raley, 6/12/08



May 11, 2008


First Motion:  Dal Lamphere motioned to read that due to the fact that Linda May's Jade/Pearl dog had been run in higher class(es) before Linda bought the dog, that Jade/Pearl is hereby disqualified as a novice dog for the 2007 season and to date in 2008 and the prize money awarded to that dog for 2007 and to date in 2008 be returned to the TSDA for re-distribution to the proper handlers and that the lifetime points and DOY points be re-aligned to the the proper dogs, seconded by E.B. Raley,  Motion passed.

                Dal Lamphere, yes              Gary Payne, yes                   Rita Crane, yes

                E.B. Raley, yes                     Chris Thomson, yes            Herbert Holmes, yes


Correction:  Second Motion:  E.B. Raley motioned, For all class Definitions add the following statement, "It is the responsibility of buyers and sellers to properly represent class status of any dog. Failure to do so may result in sanctions against either or both parties "seconded by Dal Lamphere.  Motion passed. 

                E.B. Raley, yes                     Chris Thomson,yes             Red Oliver, yes    

                Gary Payne, yes                   Dal Lamphere, yes              Herbert Holmes, no             Emil Luedecke, no


Francis Raley, 6/3/08



   May 3, 2008


Kay Stephens moved that the 2008 Texas Sheep Finals be held in Ozona the third weekend of November, seconded by Herbert Holmes.

     Gary Payne, yes          Emil Luedecke, yes          E.B. Raley, yes          Kay Stephens, yes

     Herbert Holmes, yes    Red Oliver, yes               Rita Crane, yes          Chris Thomson, yes


Francis Raley, 5-9-08



Jan.  29, 2008

Herbert Holmes moved to raise the Ft Worth open class entry fee to $50.00 per trial for next year, seconded by seconded by Chris Thomson.  Motion passed.

            Dal Lamphere, no           Chris Thomson, yes        Rita Crane, yes

            E.B. Raley, no                 Gary Payne, yes                Red Oliver, yes
            Emil Luedecke, no          Herbert Holmes, yes
Francis Raley,  Feb. 10, 2008



2008 Forum Minutes

 Jan.  24, 2008

 Kay Stephens motioned to allow the general membership “read only”  status to the private board forum, seconded by Red Oliver.

Motion failed.

            Rita Crane, no                Red Oliver, no                Emil Luedecke, no          Dal Lamphere, no

            E.B. Raley, no                Gary Payne, no              Chris Thomson, no         Herbert Holmes, no

 Francis Raley, 1/30.08


 Jan. 24, 2008

Red Oliver motioned that the 30 day rule and the 48 hour rules replace the old Section IV, GENERAL RULES AND GUIDELINES. G-1, seconded by Dal Lamphere.  Motion passed.

             Kay Stephens, yes                   Herbert Holmes, yes                E.B. Raley, yes

            Gary Payne, yes                       Chris Thomson, yes                 Rita Crane, yes

            Herbert Holmes, yes 

Francis Raley, Jan. 30, 2008

 Jan.  24, 2008 

 Red Oliver motioned  that there be a foot note added to the new Ranch rules and to the new Novice class rules:
"For specific details concerning DOY trophies, Finals trophies, the Triple Crown Program and the Exhibition class, read Section II - F, G, H, I, and K.", seconded by Dal Lamphere

             Kay Stephens, yes                   Herbert Holmes, yes                E.B. Raley, yes

            Gary Payne, yes                       Chris Thomson, yes                 Rita Crane, yes

 Francis Raley, Jan. 30, 2008


Jan. 29, 2008

Kay Stephens motioned to not count DOY points for Ft Worth trial this year as closing date occurred before rule change, seconded by Dal Lamphere.  Motion Failed

                        Rita Crane, no                Herbert Holmes, no        Red Oliver, no    E.B. Raley, no
                        Dal Lamphere, no                       Chris Thomson,  no

                        Emil Luedecke, yes         Gary Payne, yes

Kay Stephens motioned to not count DOY points for Houston trial this year as closing date occurred about the time the rule change was posted to membership, seconded by Dal Lamphere.  Motion failed.
                        Rita, Crane, no               Herbert Holmes, no        Red Oliver, no                E.B. Raley, no
                        Dal Lamphere, no                       Chris Thomson, no         Emil Luedecke, no          Gary Payne, no

 Francis Raley, Jan. 30, 2008



Kate Stephen motioned the following Ranch definition, seconded by Red Oliver.  Motion passed. 

a. A Ranch Handler is any handler who has competed in the Ranch Class, but has not competed in the Open Ranch, NURSERY, or Open Classes worldwide.
b. This handler is eligible to compete in the Ranch classes.
c. This handler may compete in the Ranch Class with a dog that has a history of Open Ranch Class competition.
d. This handler cannot move down nor run any Open dog in the Ranch Class.
e. Any handler may exhibition a dog.
2. DOG
a. A Ranch Dog is any dog that has competed in the Ranch Class that has not competed in an Open Ranch, Nursery or Open Class worldwide.
b. A Ranch handler, under the following provisions, may move a dog from the Open Ranch Class to the Ranch Class.
1. The handler both owns and runs the dog.
2. Once the dog earns 16 points, it is no longer eligible to compete in the Ranch Class.
c. All Ranch dogs earn lifetime points using the same point system as Dog of the Year points and are required to move to a higher class when 35 points are earned.
d. Ranch dogs will no longer retain any points from the novice class.
e. Any dogs already running in ranch at the time of this rule change will have all novice points dropped.

            Kay Stephens, yes         Herbert Holmes, yes       E.B. Raley, yes  Gary Payne, yes

            Emil Luedecke, yes         Dal Lamphere, no                       Rita Crane, yes  Red Oliver, Yes

Francis Raley, 1/7/08



Dal Lamphere motioned to amend the Novice Class to read;

                                                                            NOVICE CLASS:
a. To give a beginning level handler and dog the experience necessary to be competitive at a higher level.
a. a Novice handler is any beginning level handler who has not previously competed in the Ranch, Open Ranch, Nursery or Open classes worldwide.
b. a Novice handler may earn no more than 28 points (whether with one dog or a combination of dogs) before being required to move to a higher class.
c. Once a novice handler has moved to a higher class, he can no longer compete in Novice.
3. DOG
a. A Novice dog is any dog that has not competed in a Ranch, Open Ranch, Nursery or Open class worldwide.
b. A Novice dog may earn no more than 28 points before being required to move to a higher class.
c. No novice points are carried forward to a higher class.
d. A Novice handler, under the following provisions, may move a dog from the Ranch class to the Novice class:
1. The handler both owns and runs the dog;
2. Once the dog earns 14 points it is no longer eligible to compete in the Novice class;
A. Should the dog move back to the Ranch class, it retains all previously accumulated Ranch points toward compulsory advancement.

Motion passed.  Will replace the earlier version of the Novice rules passed previously.

            Dal Lamphere, yes         Herbert Holmes, yes       E.B. Raley, yes              Kay Stephens, yes
            Gary Payne, yes                        Emil Luedecke, yes         Rita Crane, yes

Francis Raley,  1/7/08

On 1/06/08

Kate Stephens motioned;  Any motion made on the TSDA/TCDA forum which affects the rules or guidelines must be published within 48 hours on the TSDA website under "agenda". No votes may be taken on such a motion until it has been on the TSDA website for 48 hours, seconded by Herbert Holmes.  Motion passed.

                 Dal Lamphere, yes           Gary Payne, yes                               Red Oliver, yes                  Emil Luedecke, yes

                Rita, Crane, yes                

 Francis Raley, 1/7/08