Directors on call:  Susan Carpenter, Red Oliver, Jimmy Walker, Carl Larsen, Wayne Elmore, Chris Thomson, Rick Strohl, Ron Burkey, Richard Belvin
Officers on call:  Richard Belvin, Susan Carpenter, Francis Raley
Guest on call:  Judy White, Danny Monzingo of Big Lake, Tx. 

  1. Meeting was called to order by Richard Belvin at 7:05 Central Time.
  2. Richard welcomed Judy White and Danny Monzingo to the call.  Big Lake submitted Sheep & Cattle Finals bid for 2004 thru 2006.  They were invited to be on call in case Directors had questions concerning the bid.
  3. Richard announced that Big Lake Economic Development Committee would be presenting a bid for the National Cattle Dog Finals for 2005.  Richard told Danny and Judy that TSDA & TCDA will be glad to help in any way.
  4. Richard said that Sun Downer Cattle Trial of Oklahoma is scheduled for the second weekend in November, which would conflict with the submitted bid of the second weekend for the Cattle Finals.  Most of TCDA cattle handlers are members of the Sun Downer Association and Richard feels we should try to work with them on the dates of both Finals.  Francis stated that in the past the Texas finals had been on the third weekend of November.  Richard had spoken with Judy and Danny and the third weekend would be fine with them, November 19, 20, 21.  Judy and Richard suggested we set a permanent date for the Texas finals.  Big Lake will be installing (TSDA/TCDA advertising) billboards on the interstate so a permanent weekend would work best for them.  Richard reminded the Directors that the Big Lake bid is for the sheep and cattle finals.
  5. Susan motioned to move the TSDA/TCDA Annual Finals to a permanent date, third weekend in November for the Big Lake bid, second by Ron Burkey.  Motion passed. 
  6. Richard asked Danny to explain why Big Lake submitted a 3 years commitment on their bid.  The Economic Development of Big Lake has received a grant from Texas Yes.  This is state program that deals with rural communities development.  It is a matching funds grant, whatever Big Lake spends on sheep and cattle dog trial advertising, radio, bill boards, printed brochures the State will match the funds.  Also they feel that they need a 3-year commitment in order to acquire more sponsors.
  7. Wayne asked if the cattle trial will be a two day trial and Richard said that will be decided at the next Directors meeting in June.
  8. Susan moved to accept the Big Lake Sheep bid as proposed by Big Lake, second by Ron Burkey.  Roll call vote:  Red Oliver – yes            Ron Burkey – yes            Jimmy Walker – Yes,              Chris Thomson– yes,            Wayne Elmore – yes            Carl Larsen – yes – Rick Strohl – yes         Susan Carpenter- yes
  9. Carl motioned to accept Big Lake’s Cattledog Finals bid for 2004 thru 2006, second Rick Strohl.  Roll call vote. 
    Red Oliver – yes            Ron Burkey – yes            Jimmy Walker – yes,             Chris Thomson  – yes      Wayne Elmore– yes   Carl Larsen– yes            Susan carpenter– yes            Rick Strohl – yes.  Motion passed.
  10. Danny and Judy thanked TSDA/TCDA for the acceptance of the bid.  They said the entertainment functions would be larger and better than in the past.
  11. Susan Carpenter had to leave the call.
  12. Because of the lack of entries at the Star of Texas Sheep/Cattle trial the Directors felt that they should not lose money on the stock charges.  Red Oliver moved to pay $74 to the Cattle supplier in addition to the regular cattle charge for this year only, second my Jimmy Walker.  Motion passed.  This amount will be taken from the TCDA checking account.  Motion passed.
  13. June 5th will be the next B/D meeting.
Francis Raley, 4/12/04