JUNE 21, 2003 

Directors present:        E.B. Raley, Francis Raley, Susan Carpenter, Red Oliver, Jimmy Walker, Chris Thomson, Carl Larsen, Wayne Elmore, Richard Belvin

 1.                   Meeting called to order by President E.B. Raley, at 10:10 AM, June 21, 2003, Whitten Inn, Abilene, Tx.

2.                   E.B. asked Directors to read minutes of last Board meeting.  Carl Larsen moved to accept minutes of last meeting, second by Wayne Elmore.  Unanimously passed.

3.                   Francis presented the Treasurer’s report.  Sheepdog checking account balance $1,388.35, saving account  $ 6,434.13.   Cattledog checking account balance  $ 1,564.46, savings account  $ 500.12. 

4.                   TSDA received two bids for the 2003 Championship & Finals trial.  Both were excellent bids.  One from Cactus and Coyote SDT, Big Lake, Tx. for November 13 - 16 and the other Uvalde Convention & Vistors Bureau  for November 13 – 16..  Susan Carpenter moved to accept Big Lake bid, second by Carl Larsen,  Unanimously passed.

5.                   Jimmy Walker reported that no final decision has been reached for the location and date of the Texas Cattledog 2003 Finals.  He said the dates of Nov. 29, 30 at Abilene Fairgrounds were open, this would be the outdoors.  Other possible locations were discussed.  Francis moved to have the Cattledog Finals, November 29 & 30th,  second by Susan Carpenter.  Unanimously passed.

6.                   Jimmy asked the Board if it would be possible to have the Lone Star Cattle Futurity as a sanctioned TCDA trial.  The Directors felt they needed more information on the Futurity.  Jimmy will check with their Director about the TCDA sanction fee and report to the Directors.

7.                   Francis reported that the 2004 Southwestern Exposition & Livestock Show is scheduled for February 7 & 8th.  Carl had been approached by a member asking to  separate the Ranch & Novice classes at the stock show trial.  This was discussed but no final decision was made. 

8.                   Francis asked for a decision on Lifetime and Dog of the Years points when a dog must move to a higher class.  Francis motioned so that a dog may run in an Open Ranch, Ranch class with 56 points, when 57 points is reached they must advance to the higher class.  The dog would maintain (Open Ranch or Ranch Dog/Year) points, if no other dog receives higher points in Open Ranch, Ranch they would received credit for Dog of the Year in the lower class.

9.                   Francis suggested buying TSDA caps for resell, this was done several years ago and they sold well.  Jimmy Walker moved to purchase red caps with black logo/lettering, second by Chris Thomson.  Unanimously passed.  Susan will check on prices and report to Directors.

10.               At the last Directors meeting it was decided to update the TSDA by-laws and Rules & Guidelines.  Monika Treadway, Kay Stephens and Red Oliver were asked to review the guidelines and format them into more user friendly manner.  Updates of by-laws and guidelines were presented to the Directors.  After a lengthy discussion Susan Carpenter volunteered to work with Monika & Kay on the updates of the guidelines.  Red will review the by –law changes for clarity.  An August 17th B/D meeting was set to finalize both the By-Laws and Rules/Guidelines.

11.               Member, Mike Warner, managing partner of firm Warner, Stephens and Doby was recognized for services rendered to restate and update By-Laws of the Association.  He had previously prepared documents to create the affiliate Texas Cattle Dog Association.  A certificate of appreciation is to be presented to him.  The Board goes on record in appreciation to Mike.

12.               No further business the meeting was adjourned.

Francis Raley,  June 21, 2003