TSDA/TCDA B/D MEETING, AUG. 17, 2003 Directors
present: E.B. Raley, Francis Raley, Susan Carpenter, Chris Thomson, Wayne
Elmore, Richard Belvin 1. Meeting called to order by President E.B. Raley, at 11:00 AM, August 17, 2003, Whitten Inn, Abilene, Tx. 2. Directors reviewed minutes of last Board meeting. Susan Carpenter moved to accept those minutes, second by Richard Belvin. Unanimously passed. 3. Francis presented the Treasurer’s report. Sheepdog checking account balance $2,024.66, saving account $6,444.69. Cattledog checking account balance $1,397.46, savings account $ 500.12. Susan moved to accept the treasurer’s report, second by Richard. Unanimously passed. Francis reported TSDA/TSDA received a total of $150.00 promotional money from ABCA. This will be divided equally between TSDA and TCDA 4. The next discussion was of the Sheepdog Finals. Only a few changes were made from the format of the trial from last year. Members will be able to find information on the web site and newsletter. 5. Susan moved to table the formatting of the Cattle Finals until there is more information, second by Richard. Unanimously passed. 6. Francis had spoken with Mike Cooper of the Houston Stock Show. Those dates are March 20, 21 2004. Directors were hoping to have a cattle trial on Saturday the 20th, but because of the cost of livestock it will be difficult. E.B. will contact Mr. Cooper again to see what arrangements can be made. If no cattle trial will be possible then there will be two full days of sheep trials. 7. Francis brought up the subject of paying more than two premiums per handler, per class. A discussion followed. Susan moved if more than 2 premiums are to be paid per class, per handler, must be stated in web/newsletter, second by Richard. Francis asked for a roll call vote. Motion passed. Richard Belvin, yes Susan Carpenter, yes Wayne Elmore, yes Francis Raley, no Chris Thomson, yes 8. Susan reported she found two sources to buy caps. Wayne moved to order six dozen TSDA caps for resale, second by Richard. Unanimously passed. Susan will order these soon so we will have them in time for the Finals. 9. Sometime ago Monika Treadway and Kay Stephens were selected to review, reorganize and restate the Rules and Guidelines.. Over time changes has been made without regard to their organization. Under guidance of Director Oliver, Monika and Kay applied their skills to make these more reader friendly for which we are all grateful. Director Carpenter organized these into a side by side comparison for review by the Directors making it easier to make changes. The intent of this effort was not to change Rules and Guidelines but to make them more orderly and user friendly. The Directors agree this was a major undertaking that resulted in a complete set for the membership. These will not be on website for sometime. 10. The Directors reviewed suggested By-Law recommendations from our attorney to restate and update them. After consideration of this work it was decided to remain with the familiar by-Laws as has been operational for sometime with a few major changes that will be submitted to the membership for approval. Hard copy will be mailed to the membership for approval. We must have response from the membership. 11. After careful consideration the Directors decided to return to a policy of five (5) trials to qualify for Finals. Susan moved beginning with the 2004 trial season, a dog is required to run in five (5) TSDA trials to qualify for the Finals trial in Open, Open Ranch, Ranch and Novice classes. This includes advancing/dropping down from class to class. The Nursery Class requires five (5) runs in TSDA qualifying trials, second by Francis. Unanimously passed. 12. No further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm. Francis Raley, Aug. 17, 2003 |