Directors on call:  E.B. Raley, Francis, Raley,  Jimmy Walker, Chris Thomson, Wayne Elmore, Richard Belvin, Susan Carpenter, Red Oliver, Carl Larsen

  1. President E.B. Raley called meeting to order at 8:30 pm, Nov. 5, 2003.
  2. The purpose for the conference call was to adopt and approve budget for the Cattledog Finals.
  3. E.B. presented the budget and asked if there were any questions.

1.   Premium money from TCDA      $1,000.00
      2.   Facility Rental                                500.00
      3.   Awards                                         200.00
      4.   Judge                                            125.00
                            Total                        $1,825.00

  1. TCDA  checking account balance is $1,574.46
  2. Susan asked who would be covering the cost of the Finals.  Francis said the cattle fund would be covering the total cost of the Finals.  Jimmy explained that the Open entry fees will cover the cost of the cattle.  The additional income from Pro-Novice and Novice is income to help cover the other trial expenses.
  3. Francis asked if there would be go-round money paid or not.  Consideration to awarding prize money was discussed.  Carl Larsen moved to pay 25% each go-round, 50% to average, seconded by Chris Thomson.  Unanimously passed.
  4. Jimmy reported the awards will be rosettes and belt buckles.  The belt buckles are being donated by Star Pro/Richard Belvin.
  5. Jimmy will contact the cattle supplier by telephone as contract has not been returned for signature by TCDA. 
  6. After a discussion on Novice payback Jimmy moved to reduce Novice class entry fee to $20.00 with no premium pay back, seconded by Wayne Elmore.  Unanimously passed. 
  7. Susan Carpenter, co-chairperson of the TSDA State Championship trial, reported on Sheep Finals set for Big Lake on Nov. 14 – 15.  She said that everything seems to be finalized.  There will be two TV stations to do interviews before the Finals.  Star Pro is donating belt buckles for the champions and reserve champions in all classes.  There will be caps and visors for sale at the Finals.  E.B. asked Susan to check on what feed we need to have available for the sheep.  She will check and get back with E.B.  As was true last year Big Lake is going all out to welcome us to their city. 
  8. Jimmy said there would be handlers qualifying their futurity dogs prior to the Finals.  He asked if a Pro-Novice handler can run a futurity dog in the Novice class?  After lengthy discussion Carl moved – a handler who has competed in Pro-Novice is not eligible to run in the Novice class, seconded by Wayne Elmore.  Motion passed, one no vote, Jimmy Walker.
  9. Carl motioned to adjourn seconded by Wayne.
  10. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

 Francis Raley,  Nov. 5, 2003