TSDA/TCDA Board of Directors Meeting

Big Lake, Tx.

 November15, 2003


Directors present:         Richard Belvin, Susan Carpenter, Ron Burkey, Red Oliver, Rick Strohl

Directors not present:    Jimmy Walker, Wayne Elmore, Carl Larsen, Chris Thomson


1.      Meeting was called to order by Vice-President Richard Belvin at 8:45 pm.

  1. The purpose for the B/D meeting was to elect officers for class of 2006.
  2. The floor was opened for nominations for President.  Red Oliver nominated Richard Belvin.  Susan Carpenter nominated E.B. Raley.  Ron Burkey motioned to close nominations, second by Rick Strohl.  Unanimously passed  Voice vote was taken.

Red Oliver – Richard Belvin                  Susan Carpenter – E.B. Raley

Rick Strohl – Richard Belvin

Ron Burkey – Richard Belvin

  1. Red Oliver nominated Susan Carpenter as Vice-President.  Ron Burkey moved that nominations cease, second by Rick Strohl.  Unanimously passed.
  2. Ron Burkey motioned for Secretary/Treasurer to be combined, second by Rick Strohl. Unanimously passed.
  3. Ron Burkey nominated Francis Raley as Secretary/Treasurer, seconded by Red Oliver.  Susan moved for nominations to cease, seconded by Red Oliver.  Unanimously passed.
  4. The elected officers for a three year term are: 

President – Richard Belvin

Vice-President – Susan Carpenter

Secretary/Treasurer – Francis Raley

8.      Susan Carpenter motioned to adjourn at 9:10 pm, second by Red Oliver.


Minutes taken by Susan Carpenter
Francis Raley,  Nov. 15, 2003