TSDA/TCDA Board of Directors Meeting
Conference Call,  November 24, 2003


Directors on call:     Richard Belvin, Susan Carpenter, Ron Burkey, Red Oliver, Rick Strohl,
                               Jimmy Walker, Wayne Elmore, Carl Larsen

Director not on call:  Chris Thomson

1.         Meeting was called to order by Vice-President Richard Belvin at 7:00 pm.

2.         The purpose for meeting was to elect officers for class of 2006.

3.         The floor was opened for nominations for President.  Red Oliver nominated Richard Belvin, second by Jimmy Walker.  Ron Burkey moved for nominations to cease, second by Wayne Elmore.  Motion passed.  Richard will serve as President for a three year term.

4.          Jimmy nominated Carl Larsen for Vice-President, seconded by Wayne Elmore.  Red Oliver nominated Susan Carpenter, seconded by Carl Larsen.  Red moved for nominations to cease, second by Susan Carpenter.  Roll call vote.  Susan Carpenter will serve as Vice-President.

Red Oliver – abstained                     Susan Carpenter – Susan
Rick Strohl – Susan                        Jimmy Walker – Carl
Ron Burkey – Susan                         Wayne Elmore – Carl
Carl Larsen - Susan

5.         Susan Carpenter nominated Francis Raley as Secretary/Treasurer, second by Red Oliver.  Wayne Elmore moved for nominations to cease, seconded by Ron Burkey.  Unanimously passed.

6.          The elected officers for a three year (class of 2006) term are: 

President – Richard Belvin
Vice-President – Susan Carpenter
Secretary/Treasurer – Francis Raley

7.         Francis asked Directors for permission to send the Big Lake host committee, Judy White, Danny Monzingo, Bill and Jamie Straus (sheep supplier) poinsettias for Christmas as a “thank you” for the successful State Finals.  Susan motioned to send Christmas flowers to the committee, second by Carl Larsen.  Unanimously passed.

8.          Francis and Richard was contacted by Mike Cooper of the Houston Stock Show on having a cattle trial on Saturday March 20.  At this time it appears cattle can be had for around $24 per head.  This will help keep the entry fees at a reasonable fee.  Plans are to finalize the event at the Dec. 27th Board of Directors meeting.  Richard asked Francis to contact Mike Cooper again in two weeks if he has not contacted this office.

9.          Jimmy Walker reported that everything had been finalized for 2003 Cattledog Finals.  A total of twenty Open, seventeen Pro-Novice and one Novice entries. 

10.       Jimmy Walker will be meeting with a spokes person from a newly formed Cattle Association in Oklahoma to address class definitions for both associations.  If both associations had the same class requirements it would be much easier for competitors.  Jimmy will report back to Directors at the December meeting.

11.        Susan Carpenter motioned to adjourn at 7:40 pm, second by Red Oliver.

12.         Meeting adjourned.

 Francis Raley,  Nov. 24, 2003