TSDA B/D Conference Call - Dec. 12, 2002 Directors on call: Francis Raley, E.B. Raley, Red Oliver, Richard Belvin, Jimmy Walker, Carl Larsen, Chris Thomson Director not on call: Wayne Elmore 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:10, Dec. 12, 2002. 2. E.B. stated the only business was to appoint a Director for the remaining one year term of Leo Woodbury's Director's term which expires with Annual meeting 2003. 3. E.B. explained the appointment of a Director to serve an expiring term does not effect those being elected by the membership to serve two consecutive terms. 4. E.B. opened the floor for nominations. Red Oliver nominated Susan Carpenter, Jimmy Walker nominated Larry Burkes. Carl moved for nomination to cease. A voice vote was taken. The vote was three for Larry Burkes: Jimmy Walker, Wayne Elmore, Richard Belvin and three votes for Susan: Francis Raley, Red Oliver, Carl Larsen. E.B. cast tie breaking vote for Susan Carpenter. 5. There being no other business the meeting was adjourned. Francis Raley, Dec. 12, 2002 |