B/D MEETING, DEC. 18, 2004



Directors Present:     Eleno Montemayor, Rick Strohl, Susan Carpenter, Chris Thomson, Ron Burkey, Kay Stephens, Emil Luedecker, Richard Belvin

Directors not Present:   Carl Larsen

Officers Present:          Richard Belvin, Susan Carpenter, Francis Raley

Proxy:                            Francis Raley,  Carl Larsen’s proxy


1.           Meeting called to order by Richard Belvin at 10 AM.

2.          Susan Carpenter motioned to accept the minutes of previous meetings, seconded by Ron Burkey.  Passed unanimously.

3.          Francis Raley stated the treasurer’s report was a draft cause she had not received the bank statements.  She answered all questions from Directors.  Emil Luedecke motioned to accept the report, seconded by Rick Strohl.  Passed unanimously.

4.          Richard again welcomed the newly elected Directors, Kay Stephens, Emil Luedecke and Eleno Montemayor.  He remind all Directors that they were elected to serve both the sheep and cattle Association to the best of their ability. 

5.          In the Director’s packet was an email giving Francis Raley Carl Larsen’s voting proxy on any item that came to a vote. 

6.          Richard complimented Susan Carpenter, Rick Strohl and George Wallace for jobs well done on organizing the State Finals.  The running of two trials at the same time was not an easy task.

7.          The Finals was reviewed by the Directors.  One suggestion was to have two go-rounds of the Open and the second round to be a double lift, which would allow all Open handlers to run in the double lift.  This matter was tabled till the next B/D meeting.  Another suggestion was to have Open Ranch runs on the larger field. 

8.          Big Lake had provided a photographer at the Finals and TSDA had arranged for LaNelda Strohl to be the official photographer.  Susan motioned to link LaNelda’s web site to TSDA’S web and also have a link “additional pictures” to Big Lake’s web site.  LaNelda’s site will be up soon.

9.          By-Law 2004 Proposal:  Election of Officers proposal failed at the annual meeting.  The By-Law reads that there must be a 2/3 vote in favor of a proposal to pass.  The vote was short of the 2/3 vote.

10.      A consensus poll was taken at the annual meeting asking the membership their opinion on moving Open, Open Ranch and Ranch dogs down two classes.  The membership was not in favor of the proposal.  Emil Luedecke moved to leave the class as it now stand, seconded by Kay Stephens,  Passed unanimously.  Rules  reads: Trial hosts have the option of allowing exhibition runs during the course of the trial.  These runs are non-competitive and place no restriction on a dog or handler.  The handler must pay the TSDA fee plus any fee required by the trial committee, e.g. stock charge.  The handler does not receive prizes or money, nor does the dog receive Dog of the Year points.  A dog may not run exhibition and then compete in a lower class during the same trial, e.g. run exhibition in the Open Ranch then compete in the Ranch. 

11.      An appointed committee of Jimmy Walker, Wayne Elmore and Chris Thomson submitted an report to the Directors.  Each phase of the report was discussed and changes made.  Susan moved to accept the proposal with agreed changes and rule changes to take place immediately, seconded by Ron Burkey.  Passed unanimously.  Cattledog rules read: 


Cattle dog trials sanctioned by the TCDA must meet the following requirements:

1.                  The TSDA Rules and Guidelines that have been in effect for many years must be followed when applicable.

2.                  There shall be three (3) cattle dog classes for the TCDA:  Open, Pro-Novice, and Novice.  A Nursery Class, sanctioned by the USBCHA, can be included in the Pro-Novice Class (a class within a class) and the handler only pays the USBCHA fee of $2.  The Nursery can be run as a separate class with a separate entry fee from which the $2 will be paid.  The Nursery class will not be a class at the Finals.

3.                  A dog or handler’s classification in sheep trials has no bearing on their classification in cattle trials.



1.      OPEN

a.      Any dog that has run in an Open Cattle Class anywhere in the world since May 31, 2002.

2.      PRO-NOVICE

a.      A Pro-Novice Dog is any dog that has not competed in the Open Cattle Class in Texas since May 31, 2002, or since that time has not competed in an Open Cattle Class anywhere in the world.

b.      When a Pro-Novice dog has earned 45 lifetime points, it is no longer eligible to compete in the Pro-Novice Class again with any Open handler.

c.      If an Open dog is purchased by a Novice Handler or Pro-Novice Handler, that dog may be moved back to the Pro-Novice until earning 15 points and then it must move back to the Open.

3.      NOVICE

a.      A Novice Dog is any dog that has not run in any of the other cattle dog classes.

b.      When a Novice Dog has earned 23 lifetime points, it is no longer eligible to compete in that class again.

c.      If a Pro-Novice Dog is purchased by a Novice Handler, that dog can run in the Novice Class until it has earned 10 points and then it must move back to the Pro-Novice Class.



1.      OPEN

a.      An Open Handler is an advanced handler in cattle dog trials who may also run a dog in the Pro-Novice Class but not in the Novice Class.

b.      If a handler has run an Open Cattle dog anywhere in the world, then they are considered an Open handler.

2.      PRO-NOVICE

a.      A Pro-Novice Handler is any handler who has competed in the Pro-Novice Class, but has not competed in the Open Class worldwide.

b.      This handler is eligible to compete in the Pro-Novice and Nursery Classes.

c.      This handler may compete in the Pro-Novice Class with a dog that may have been advanced from the Novice Class.

d.      This handler may compete in the Pro-Novice Class with a dog that has a history of Open Class competition.

e.      This handler cannot move a Pro-Novice dog down to the Novice Class.

f.        This handler may exhibition and Open dog.

3.      NOVICE

a.      A Novice Handler is any handler who has never entered a cattle class higher than the Novice Class.



1.      Trials may be point/time and either partially or fully judged.

2.      If a trial is USBCHA sanctioned, a two (2) dollar sanctioning fee must be paid to USBCHA secretary for each Open dog and Nursery dog competing in the trial.

a.      Where the number of entries is too low to constitute a qualifying trial, the USBCHA fee will not be paid.

3.      The TCDA sanctioning fee is $3.00 per entry per trial. The sanctioning fee along with the complete trial results must be sent to the TCDA secretary.

4.      Score sheets may be obtained from the TCDA Secretary.



1.      To qualify for the TCDA State Finals a dog must have competed in at least two trials.

2.      A handler must be a paid, participating TCDA member to receive credit for a qualifying run.

a.      Dues must be paid before going to the post.

3.      There will be 2 go-rounds for each class at the finals.

4.      All cattle used for the TCDA finals should be exposed to a dog before the first go-round.

5.      The premium money will be divided into 20% for each go-round and 60% for the average.



1.      Dog of the Year & Lifetime points are awarded using the same schedule as the sheep dog point system.

2.      Points are awarded to the top one-third (1/3) of each class in which at least three dogs compete.

a.      Where a class has less than three (3) entries, the dog receives credit for a qualifying run.  Dog of the Year and Lifetime points are not awarded.

3.      A dog that changes class during the year must compete at the Finals in the same class in which it competed at the end of the year.

      4.   Only Lifetime points are awarded at the State Finals.


12.            Francis gave a report on the 2005 Stockshows.  There will be no trial at Houston in 2005, hopefully 2006 TSDA will again be invited to participate in the Houston Stock Show.  After a discussion Emil Luedecke motioned to split the Ranch and Novice classes at the upcoming Stockshows, the Ranch class must drive one obstacle, chute and pen – the Novice must have outrun, (must come between obstacles) and pen, seconded by Kay Stephens.  Passed unanimously.

13.            A TCDA/TSDA newsletter will be sent every quarter.  Francis needs to know the members who do not have ability to have “on line” information so trial schedules may be sent.

14.            Richard announced that his Bellringer trial will be April 22 through 24th and Lovington Cattle trial March 5, 6th.

15.            Being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:45 PM.


Francis Raley,  Dec. 18, 2004