Directors on call: E.B. Raley, Francis Raley,. Carl Larsen, Leo Woodbury,
Red Oliver, Jimmy Walker, Wayne Elmore, Richard Belvin,
Director not on call: Chris Thomson
Representative on call: Danny Minzingo, 1st Vice President of Big
Lake Chamber
- E.B. Raley called meeting to order at 8 PM, June 10, 2002
- Carl Larson moved to accept minutes of previous meetings, second by
Wayne Elmore. Unanimously passed
- Directors received 2002 State Finals bid packets from Ft. Stockton and
Big Lake to preview prior to meeting. The bids were opened for discussion.
The Ft. Stocktons bid requested a two year commitment due to the fact that
they were going to the expense of fencing a permanent field for sheepdog
trials. Francis reported she had spoken with Doug May and Kenda Furman of
Ft. Stockton suggesting they join the Winter Olympic's series in 2003.
Both Mr. May and Ms Furman thought this would better serve the city. There
is, also, a possibility of having a cattledog trial during the Winter
Olympic's series. Both the Ft. Stockton and Big Lake bids were generous
bids and the Directors felt TSDA was fortunate to receive them.
- Carl Larsen moved to set Finals budget of $6,000, $2,000 of this to be
added premium, second by Wayne Elmore. Unanimously passed.
- Danny Monzingo was asked to enter the call to answer questions. The
Directors asked Mr. Monzingo about the condition of the field,
availability of second field, type of sheep, hauling fees, pen crew, etc.
Danny was open to any suggestions from the Directors. Francis suggested a
committee visit with Big Lake to view the location and give assistance to
the Chamber . Danny welcomed this idea.
- Carl Larsen moved to accept the 2002 Finals bid from Big Lake, second
by Jimmy Walker. Unanimously passed
- E.B. asked Danny if he would co-chair the local trial committee and he
requested Judy White also co-chair the committee. A TSDA member will also
serve on the committee. E.B. thanked Mr. Monzingo for being available on
the call. Before leaving the call Danny said he looked forward working
with TSDA and the State Finals.
- E.B., Francis and Carl will go to Big Lake within the next three
weeks. Jimmy Walker moved, to reimburse travel, lodging, food expenses,
second by Richard Belvin. Unanimously passed. Committee will also visit
with Doug May & Kenda Furman in Ft. Stockton to help them plan their
January trial.
- Each Director will nominate judges for the State Finals. A list will
be compiled and ballot send to Directors for election.
- E.B. informed the Directors that dates of some of the Stockshows have
changed for 2003. We should receive confirmed dates within the next two
weeks, then posted to the web site.
- E.B. reported he has made numerous calls seeking information on stock
insurance.. So far he has not found any Association that has such
insurance. He has several persons researching this and will get back with
the Directors when he has more information. The Directors agree that we
need some type of agreement or policy to protect TSDA from stock loses.
- Jimmy Walker moved to add a Pro Novice class (any cattledog that has
not run in Open or Nursery class) to the cattledog trials, second by Wayne
Elmore. Unanimously passed. E.B. suggested possible Dog of the Year and
point system not be instated till the 2003 season. These items will be on
the next B/D meeting.
- Francis asked for approval to post minutes of B/D meetings on the web
site. Jimmy Walker moved, after minutes have been approved by Directors
these will be posted to TSDA web site, second by Carl Larsen. Unanimously
- Francis reported a balance of $6,861.57 in the saving account and
checking account $1,279.62.
Francis Raley, June 10, 2002