B/D Meeting, Abilene, Tx., Whitten Inn,  May 30, 2004

Directors present:  Rick Strohl, Chris Thomson, Jimmy Walker, Wayne Elmore, Red Oliver, Richard Belvin, Carl Larsen, Susan Carpenter, Ron Burkey
Officers present:  Richard Belvin, Susan Carpenter, Francis Raley

 1.                    Richard Belvin called meeting to order at 10:10 am.
2.                    Carl Larsen moved to accept the minutes of last meetings as read, second by Chris Thomson.  Passed unanimously.
3.                    Francis Raley presented the treasurer’s report.  Jimmy Walker moved to accept the treasurer’s report, second by Carl Larsen.  Passed unanimously.
TSDA Checking Account Balance, $   988.68                                TCDA Checking Account Balance, $  848.86
TSDA Saving Account Balance,  $ 7,474.24                                  TCDA Saving Account Balance,   $  1,501.36 
4.                    Sheep Finals:  Francis will contact Gary Westbrook and Paul Turnbull about judging the sheep finals.  Susan moved to pay a domestic judge $200 per dayplus
                 expenses, second by Jimmy Walker.  If Paul can not judge Charles Arch should be contacted.
5.                    Sheep Finals: Susan Carpenter is chairperson of the sheepdog finals and will be setting her committee soon.  Susan moved for Oct. 1 to be the deadline for
                 both the sheep and cattle entries,  may cancel entry one week prior to (Nov.12th) finals, second by Carl Larsen.  Carl Larsen moved to raise sheep entries to  
                $40, seconded Rick Strohl.  Motion passed, one no vote Susan Carpenter.  Wayne Elmore moved to give framed certificates as replacement awards for Dog of
                 the Year, Triple Crown only, second by Carl Larsen.  Passed unanimously.
6.                    Carl Larsen is chairperson of the Cattle Finals.  Carl and Susan will be asking for volunteers for help with both sheep and cattle finals.
7.                    Cattle Finals:  The Cattle finals will have two (2) complete go-rounds – combined scores to determine winners.  Trial will begin 1 pm Friday,  and Saturday
                 morning at 9 AM.  Entries are $100 and  $95 payback.  Go Round money will be paid – 1st go round 25% - 2ne  go round,  %25 2nd , 50% average.  Ron Burkey
moved to pay one person to judge/announce up to $600 flat fee (pay their own expenses), second by Wayne Elmore,  Passed unanimously.   There will be
                 Belt Buckles for 1st place only (combined scores) in Open and Pro-Novice. No buckle for Novice.  Wayne moved to have metal signs awards for Dog of the  
                 year in  Open, Pro-Novice, Novice, second by Carl Larsen.  Passed unanimously.  Cattle dog awards will be presented Saturday night at the annual meeting.
8.                    Rick  Strohl proposed to have an Iron Dog Challenge award at the annual meeting and banquet.   This was tabled till next B/D meeting.  Directors needed more
                 information about the scoring system.
9.                    Susan moved to re-submit the 6.1 By-law – Election of Officers proposal to the membership for approval which shall read, the officers of the corporation shall
                 be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall be general members in good standing.  All officers are elected by the Board of
                 Directors.  Each may, but need not be a member of the Board of Directors.  Officers elected from the general membership do not vote, with the exception of                    the President who shall vote to break a tie.  Nothing shall prevent one person serving as both Secretary and Treasurer.  Each officer is elected for a three year
                term,  second by Carl Larsen.  Passed unanimously.
10.                 Susan moved and Ron Burkey second, in the case where the number of handlers placing in a class is less than the number of places paid, the trial committee
                 has discretion as how to distribute the remaining payout funds.  They may:
                        1.  Split all remaining funds between placing handlers.

                 2.  Place disqualified and retired handlers by the work completed (i.e. add all points earned).  Passed unanimously.
11.                 Jimmy Walker presented a proposal by Jane Harrell.  There was active discussion on allowing a novice or ranch handlers to drop an open or open ranch dog
                down two classes.  This was tabled till feedback can be obtained from the membership.  You may contact one of your directors to give them you input on this
12.                 Carl Larsen moved that handler can not exhibition and then compete later in a lower class, second by Jimmy Walker.  Motion passed.

         EXHIBITION:  Trial hosts have the option of allowing exhibition runs during the course of the trial.  These runs are non-competitive and place no restriction
               on a dog or handler.  The handler must pay the TSDA fee plus any fee required by the trial committee, e.g. stock charge.  The handler does not receive prizes
                or money, nor does the dog receive Dog of the Year points.  A dog may not run exhibition and then compete in a lower class during the same trial, e.g. run
                exhibition in the Open Ranch then compete in the Ranch. 

  1. Susan moved to standardize how to list our payback in publications.  Only the amount of payback per entry will be listed  on web and in the newsletter, there will be no breakdown of the entry fee,  second by Jimmy Walker   Passed unanimously. 
  2. Richard opened the floor for discussion of Triple Crown locations for 2005.  Susan Carpenter moved for the 2005 Triple Crown Trials to be the Bellringer, Muleshoe, Tx. - Top of the Hill, Boerne, Tx.  The Masquarade, Rocksprings, Tx., second by Rick Strohl.  Passed unanimously.
  3. E.B. & Francis will look into the possibility of having an arena timed finals each year. 
  4. The next Board meeting will be mid August.
  5. Wayne Elmore moved to adjourn.
Francis Raley, May 30, 2004