B/D Meeting,
Whitten Inn, Abilene, Tx.
Dec. 27, 2003
Directors present: Jimmy
Walker, Rick Strohl, Red Oliver, Susan Carpenter, Wayne Elmore, Carl Larsen, Ron
Burkey, Richard Belvin
Director not on call: Chris Thomson
Officers on call: Richard Belvin,
Susan Carpenter, Francis Raley
1. Meeting called to order at 10:05 AM, by Richard Belvin.
2. Carl Larsen moved to approve minutes of last B/D meetings and conference calls, second by Way Elmore. Passed
3. Wayne motioned to accept treasures report, second by Rick Strohl. Passed
4. Susan suggested sending out Trial bids as soon as possible and have finalized by March. Directors agreed.
5. George Wallace, President of WTSDA, presented to the Directors a proposal to sanction trials outside of Texas and explained the problem with term limits of the by-laws. Jimmy Walker motioned to exempt WTSDA from by-law Article 4.2, so they may elect Directors outside of Texas, and Article 6.1, President must be elected from the Board of Directors, second by Ron Burkey. Passed
6. Susan Carpenter motioned to expand TSDA/TCDA sanctioning area to the states bordering the state of Texas, second by Jimmy Walker. Passed
7. A review of the 2003 Sheep and Cattle Finals. Directors felt that both finals were excellent.
8. Richard appointed committees for 2004. First committee will be Development and Education committee, working with trials in their area, education sponsors and developing new trias. Each committee chairperson will appoint members to their committee. The following committees were appointed.
Development/Education Committee |
Membership Committee Kay Stephens |
North Central Area Rick Strohl |
East Central Jimmy Walker, Chris Thomson |
Stockshow Com E.B. & Francis Raley |
South Central Red Oliver |
Central Area Carl Larsen |
Cattledog Finals Chairperson Carl Larsen |
Sheepdog Finals Chairperson Susan Carpenter |
Sheep Development/Education Committee |
Southwest Susan Carpenter |
Northwest Richard Belvin |
North Central Rick Strohl |
Central Emil Luedecke |
South Central Ron Burkey |
Northeast Wayne Elmore |
South Central Red Oliver |
9. Richard brought up the need of new judges in the Association. Richard would like a list of members who will be willing to judge. The next newsletter will be address this issue. Anyone who is willing to judge please contact Francis Raley or Richard Belvin.
10. The replacement trophies were discussed. A survey will be sent to membership in the next newsletter and put on web site seeking the opinion for the membership on how they feel about the replacement rophies, revoling trophies, etc.
Francis Raley,