TSDA Annual Meeting 11/20/2004 Big Lake, Texas

 Directors present: Richard Belvin, Susan Carpenter, Ron Burkey, Wayne Elmore, Jimmy Walker, Chris Thompson, Red Oliver, Rick  Strohl.  Not present; Carl Larsen
Officers present: Richard Belvin, Susan Carpenter, Francis Raley

Meeting called to order by Richard Belvin at 8:55 PM.

Minutes of the last meeting were presented. Motion to accept made by Wayne Elmore, second by Emil Luedecke. Passed unanimously.
Treasures report presented. Motion to accept by Ed Ward, second by Dodie Green. Passed unanimously.
 Result of election presented as follows.

       1.  By law proposal: 36 votes for, 25 against
Emil Luedecke raised the question about the need for a two thirds majority to pass a bylaw change. Richard stated he  would look into the issue.

       2.   Consensus Poll: 14 votes to make changes, 47 votes to leave rules as they are

       3. Election for Board of Directors:

               Kay Stephens
 Emil Luedecke
Elano Montemayor

 Motion to adjourn: Jimmy Walker, second by Chris Thompson. Passed Unanimousl
 Minutes taken by Ron Burkey

Francis Raley,  Nov. 20, 2004